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Enhanced refers to something that has been improved or upgraded to be more efficient, effective, or powerful. This can apply to various things, such as technology, skills, abilities, or experiences. Enhancements can occur through various methods such as adding new features, optimizing existing ones, or incorporating new technologies. In general, an enhanced version of something is considered to be an improved or more advanced version of the original.Vocable
A vocable is a word or utterance, especially with reference to its form rather than its meaning. It may also refer to a word or term used in a specialized field or by a particular group, and can also be used to describe a word or expression used as a specific name or label for something. In linguistics, a vocable is a unit of language that has a specific meaning and can stand alone as a word, but is not necessarily associated with a specific grammatical category.Caller
A caller is a person who makes a phone call or a visit to someone’s house or place of business. The term can also refer to the person who announces a guest or performer on a radio or television program. In computer programming, a caller is the entity that requests the execution of a subroutine or function. In the context of animals, a caller can refer to a bird that makes a distinct call or sound to communicate with others.Flashcard Subject: hamlet vocab #1
Q: harbinger
A: a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another
Q: usurp
A: to take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force
Q: portentous
A: of or like a portent; sign or warning that something, especially something momentous or calamitous, is likely to happen
Q: filial
A: of or relating to a son or daughter
Q: canon
A: a general law, rule, principle, or criterion by which something is judged
Q: besmirch
A: damage the reputation of (someone or something) in the opinion of others
Q: melancholy
A: a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause
Q: discourse
A: written or spoken communication or debate
Q: chide
A: scold or rebuke
Q: beguile
A: to charm or enchant (someone), sometimes in a deceptive wayFlashcard Subject: Phrasal Verbs – Come
Q: come across
A: To encounter or find by accident
Example: While she was looking for her keys, she came across her old diary.
Q: come along
A: make progress; improve
Example: We need to work harder so that the project can come along smoothly.
Q: come around
A: visit someone at their house
Example: Please do come around, we’ll be waiting for you.
Q: come by
A: To obtain or acquire something
Example: I managed to come by a ticket to the sold out concert.
Q: come on
A: something that you say to someone in order to encourage them to do something
Example: Come on Karen, you can do this
Q: come out
A: to be published or made known to many people
Example: The new iPhone is coming out next month.
Q: come up
A: If a subject or problem comes up, it occurs or becomes available for discussion
Example: Has the issue of financial management come up yet?
Q: come off
A: succeed
Example: The plan seemed to come off without a hitch; everyone was pleased.
Q: come up to
A: to meet arriving people as they approach you
Example: It was so nice to see Mary coming up to greet me at the station
Q: come over
A: to move towards someone
Example: They didn’t speak, just came over and hugged me.
Q: come along
A: arrive or appear at a place or event
Example: “Are you going to the party? ” “Sure, why not? I’ll come along.”
An audience refers to a group of people who are present to listen to or watch a performance, presentation, or event. This can include a live audience at a theater or concert, a group of viewers watching a television show or movie, or attendees at a conference or lecture. The purpose of an audience is to receive and engage with the information or entertainment being presented. Different audiences may have different interests, perspectives, and levels of knowledge, and thus may respond differently to the same performance or presentation. Understanding and appealing to a specific audience is important for effectively communicating and connecting with them.Flashcard Subject: Infection control
Q: Steris
A: The most powerful sterilization process ever discovered, in the hands and minds of innovative thinkers who propelled it forward. STERIS Applied Sterilization Technologies provides contract sterilization using gamma irradiation, electron beam irradiation and ethylene oxide (EO) sterilization services for the medical device, pharmaceutical, consumer, and industrial markets.
Q: Infection
A: An infection is the invasion of an organism’s body tissues by disease causing agents (pathogens), their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to these organisms and the toxins they produce
Q: Pathogen
A: A pathogen is an organism that causes disease. Your body is naturally home to billions of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes
Q: Nosocomial Infection
A: Nosocomial infections are infections you get during your stay at a hospital. They can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Often, these infections are caused by bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, though they can be viral or fungal in nature.
Q: Infection Control
A: Infection control refers to the policies and procedures that are used to minimize the risk of spreading infections, especially in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities. Infection control measures include hand washing, disinfection and sterilization of medical equipment, and the use of personal protective equipment by healthcare providers.
Q: Personal protective equipment (PPE):
A: Personal protective equipment (PPE) refers to clothing and accessories that are worn by healthcare providers to protect themselves and their patients from the transmission of infections. This can include gloves, gowns, masks, and eye protection.
Q: Disinfection
A: Disinfection is the process of destroying or inactivating disease-causing microbes on surfaces or objects to prevent the spread of infection. This can be done using chemicals, heat, or radiation.
Q: Sterilization
A: Sterilization is the process of killing all microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, on an object or surface. This is usually done using heat, chemicals, or radiation.
Q: Contamination
A: Contamination refers to the presence of harmful or disease-causing microorganisms on surfaces, objects, or in the environment. It can lead to the spread of infection if proper infection control measures are not in place.
Q: Cross-infection
A: Cross-infection is the transmission of infections between people, often within a healthcare setting. This can happen through contact with contaminated surfaces, objects, or through person-to-person contact. Proper infection control measures can help prevent cross-infection.
Fitgirl is a term used to describe a woman who is physically fit and active. She is usually seen as strong, healthy, and confident with a toned and athletic body. The term can also refer to a woman who is passionate about fitness and leads a healthy lifestyle, promoting exercise and healthy eating habits. Snapshot
A snapshot is a saved record of the current state or condition of something. It may refer to a photograph or image taken at a specific moment in time, a saved copy of an electronic file or data, or a brief summary or description of a larger situation or scenario. In some cases, a snapshot may refer to a temporary freeze or pause in a process or system, allowing a moment to be captured or captured in order to assess or analyze it. It can also be used to refer to a quick preview or overview of something, such as a “snapshot view” of a website.Flashcard Subject: Ci Vil
Q: Humanistic Approach
A: An approach that emphasizes the study of the whole person and their uniqueness. Key concepts include self-actualization, authenticity and empathy.
Q: C – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
A: Maslow’s theory emphasized different types of human needs that motivate behavior. According to Maslow, people have five levels of needs: physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. People can only achieve self-actualization once their basic needs are met.
Q: I – Carl Rogers: Person-Centered Therapy
A: Rogers’s person-centered therapy focuses on people’s potential for growth and self-actualization. He believed that therapy should provide unconditional positive regard, empathy and genuineness to help clients become more self-aware and reach their full potential.
Q: Mindfulness
A: Mindfulness involves focusing on the present moment and accepting one’s thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgement. It promotes a state of relaxation and increased self-awareness. Mindfulness techniques are often used in therapy to help clients manage stress, anxiety, and depression.
Q: Positive Psychology
A: Positive psychology is the study of human flourishing and well-being. It focuses on positive emotions, character strengths, and healthy relationships to help people live meaningful, fulfilling lives.
Q: Self-actualization
A: Self-actualization is the highest level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. It refers to the process of realizing and fulfilling one’s full potential and becoming the best version of oneself.
Q: Authenticity
A: Authenticity refers to being true to oneself and living in alignment with one’s beliefs and values. It is an important aspect of humanistic psychology because it promotes self-actualization and personal growth.
Q: Empathy
A: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It is a key aspect of humanistic therapy because it helps therapists build a strong relationship with their clients and understand their unique perspectives.
Q: Unconditional Positive Regard
A: Unconditional positive regard is an attitude of acceptance and support towards a person, regardless of their thoughts, feelings, or actions. This is an important aspect of person-centered therapy because it allows clients to feel accepted and supported, leading to growth and change.
Q: Strengths-based approach
A: A strengths-based approach focuses on identifying and building upon an individual’s strengths and positive qualities, rather than focusing on their weaknesses or deficits. This approach is often used in positive psychology and in therapy to promote self-acceptance and personal growth.
Flashcard Subject: Me and aunt romana
Q: Guy
A: I’m Roman
Q: Janiyah
A: Hi roman maharaj
Flashcard Subject: Poetry terms with examples
Q: Alliteration
A: Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. “Sipping sweet soft smooth tea”
Q: Assonance
A: Repetition of vowel sounds within words. “Fleet feet sweep by sleeping geese”
Q: Consonance
A: Repetition of consonant sounds within words. “Slithered along the slit shuddering shed”
Q: Onomatopoeia
A: When a word sounds like the actual sound or action. “Ring, ribbit, buzz”
Q: Imagery
A: Words that create a picture in the reader’s mind. Mental images. “His bronze head sinks back against the wall of the library now: the nose occupies a point on the mountainous and risky terrain of his cheek…(visual)
Q: Personification
A: When giving human qualities to non-human or non-living things. “The wind howled in the night”
Q: Simile
A: Comparison of two unlike things using “like” or “as”. “As white as snow”
Q: Metaphor
A: Comparison of two unlike things NOT using “like” or “as”. “She was a rose”
Q: Hyperbole
A: Exaggeration for the sake of emphasis. “I died of embarrassment”
Q: Rhyme
A: Repetition of ending sounds; end rhyme can be used on single words on two lines or within the lines of the poem. “Mark goes to the store every day; it only takes him three to pay”
Q: End rhyme
A: Occurs at the end of lines in poetry.
Q: Internal rhyme
A: Occurs within lines of poetry.
Q: Exact rhyme
A: Occurs when the ending sounds match perfectly.
Q: Slant rhyme
A: Occurs when the ending sounds are close but do not match perfectly; can also occur within internal rhyme.
Q: Free verse
A: Poetry with no established pattern.
Q: Stanza
A: Groups of lines in a poem; a poem’s equivalent of a paragraph.
Q: Lyric
A: Short poems that express intense personal emotion.
Q: Narrative poem
A: Poems that tell a story.
Q: Ballad
A: Narrative poems that tell a story and often have a refrain that repeats at the end of each stanza.
Q: Epic poem
A: Long narrative poems that tell the story of a hero.
Q: Sonnet
A: Fourteen-line poems that follow a formal structure.
Q: Rhyming couplets
A: Two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme.
Q: Haiku
A: Japanese form of poetry in which the first line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the last line has five syllables.Flashcard Subject: India
A: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
Q: Development
A: The process of improving the material conditions of people through diffusion of knowledge and technology.
Q: Climate
A: The long-term average weather condition at a particular location
Q: Monsoon
A: A seasonal wind.
Q: Conventional regime
A: The practices and institutions that have been traditionally governing a particular territory or space
Q: Appedages
A: Deformed body parts
Q: Economic infrastructure
A: Infrastructure that includes transportation, communication, energy, and water supplies.
Q: caste (jāti)
A: The class or distinct hereditary order into which a Hindu is assigned, according to religious law.
Q: Joint family
A: Family organization in which several generations share a common dwelling
Q: Aryans
A: immigrants who arrived at the Ganges river valley by the year 1000 BC
Q: Green Revolution
A: Rapid diffusion of new agricultural technology, especially new high-yield seeds and fertilizers.
Q: Summer monsoon
A: a wind pattern that brings warm, moist air from the southwest
Q: Corporate farming
A: Integrated agricultural system in which a large corporation controls or owns farms
Q: Hinduism
A: A religion native to India, featuring belief in many gods and reincarnation
Q: Jhuggi
A: Dwelling where no citizens have rights to own or use land on which it is built
Q: Partition of British India
A: Separation of British India into two countries, India and Pakistan.
Q: Bengaluru
A: city in India, capital of the state of Karnataka, known as the Silicon Valley of India.
Q: Global Information Technology Center
A: a group of makes, sell, and use computers, servers, and other IT solutions
Q: Mumbai
A: India’s largest city
Q: Special Economic Zones
A: designated regions in China where foreign investment is encouraged and capitalistic ventures are allowed
Q: Obscenely
A: Offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency
Q: obligatory
A: Required or demanded
Q: Overarching
A: comprehensive, overarching principle
Q: Deities
A: gods and goddesses
Q: Haraam
A: forbidden by Islamic law
Q: From the text, what would happen if Hindus Muslims and nationalists failed to respond to Drumurkar’s “attack on the Hindu ascetic”?
A: Bombay would become Karachi – meaning a majority of minority city
Q: Suggest three reasons why Dattatreya asked to pelt Vishnu?
A: In order to be eliminated, in order to become part of society and not be reincarnated as a Dalit, it is a symbolic event requiring the absorption by the gods.
Q: Where did the RSS build simulacra?
A: India, an island state of all Hindus
Q: What have the people and environment in the Mumbai slums adapted?
A: They have turned into cities, online society, neutral grounds for religious government, and consulting with members of Multicultural India
Q: Why did Professor Kavya Roa want to kill herself?
A: She wanted to commit suicide because she was in love with her Dharma and wanted punishment for not obeying the cultural norm of love for her caste.
Q: What historical term did the hailstorm episode echo?
A: Familes
Q: From the text, suggest four reasons why an agricultural worker in S. India is:
1. at the edge of possibility,