【参加歓迎!】今日は禁忌の獄を攻略していきます!!……助けてください…(泣)【モンスターストライク】 | モンスターストライク動画まとめ




In English: [Join us!] Today, we will be tackling the Forbidden Sanctum in Monster Strike!! Please help us… (crying) [Monster Strike]

The Forbidden Sanctum is a special dungeon in Monster Strike where powerful boss monsters await. To take on this dungeon, it is necessary to have strong, well-developed monsters. However, it takes a long time to train them, making it a difficult challenge for new players or those with weaker monsters. But today, we are having an open strategy meeting! Let’s all work together to conquer the Forbidden Sanctum! It may be tough alone, but together we can surely clear it! We are waiting for your participation! (sob)
